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Sign up for the IB Diploma

10th Grade is the year to plan for the IB Diploma.
The IB Diploma begins at the start of the 11th grade. Students can always opt out of the IB Diploma at any time, but they cannot opt in after 11th grade begins.

While all IB students will find the resources helpful, only those seeking to complete the FULL IB DIPLOMA need to sign-up.

  1. Access the online sign up to meet with Mrs. Harris-Clippinger 
  2. Arrive to your meeting in Rm 202A, 2nd floor South of the main stairwell with your IB Personal Planning worksheet completed. To complete the form:

Not sure if you want to try the IB Diploma yet? Need more clarification or questions answered? 

Please email or call Mrs. Harris-Clippinger at  phone: 971-915-1579