South Salem Choir
All About Our Choir
The South Salem Choir Program has a rich tradition dating back to the founding of South Salem High School in 1954. Since the inception of the program, South Choirs have been consistently recognized for their superior performances, preparing young artists for life after high school, and community outreach. Currently, the South Salem Choir Program serves over 300 students that sing in Bella Voce, Camerata, Chamber Men’s Choir, Chamber Women’s Choir, Chanteuse, Collegium, Statesmen, Southernaires, Symphonic Choir, and the student-led groups, AcaFellas and Noteworthy.
Known as one of the outstanding choral programs in the Pacific Northwest and the United States, choirs from South have been invited to perform at National and Northwest Regional Conventions for the American Choral Director’s Association, at the Northwest Regional Conference for the National Association for Music Education, and at the Oregon Music Educators Association Conference.
The South Music Department annually serves over a quarter of the South student body and has been recognized multiple times as a Gold Grammy Signature School, identifying it as one of the most outstanding public high schools for music in the nation.
It is with an incredible community, school district, and parent support that the South Salem Music Department and Choir is as successful as it is. South is very fortunate to have a very active Music Booster organization that consistently raises funds, organizes volunteers, and assists the students and directors.
Once a Saxon, Always a Saxon
Contact Information
To receive automatic email updates as information is sent out, please click the red button, “Follow Choir”
Email Ms. Dunham or call or call – (503) 399-3252 x505608
Email South Salem Music Boosters.
General questions about the website, calendar, or general inquiries, email Ms. Dunham or call or call – (503) 399-3252 x505608
Mailing something to the Choir Department?
Please send it to
South Salem High School, Choir Department,
1910 Church Street SE
Salem, OR 97302